RACES stands for "Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service," a protocol created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC Part 97, Section 407). Many government agencies across the country train their Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) volunteers using the RACES protocol. The volunteers serve their respective jurisdictions pursuant to guidelines and mandates established by local emergency management officials.
National Incident Management System:
Resource Documents: Title 47 is an FCC rule and NTIA is the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Title 47 Part 97 97.407 Title 47 Chapter II Part 214 NTIA Authorized Frequency Usage NTIA Emergency Readiness Planning
Additional Resource Documents: FEMA Guidance for RACES FEMA Developing and Maintaining EOP's FEMA Amateur "Ham" Radio For Emergency Managers FEMA EOC Quick Reference Guide Register for a FEMA Student Identification Number (SID) FEMA NIMS/ICS Online Courses NIFOG National Interoperability Field Operations Guide AUXFOG Auxiliary Communications Field Operations Guide
MISSISSIPPI RACES APPLICATION FORMS IN PDF AND DOCX FORMAT. FILL OUT AS MUCH INFORMATION AS YOU CAN. These forms are submitted to the emergency management agency in your county or location by you, your local RACES Officer, or a representative of your club or ARES group. Once signed by your local Emergency Management Official, they retain the original and should give you a copy of the signed, approved application. Please email RACES@msares.com with your name, city or town, county, amateur call sign, emergency management agency name, and your email address. This is required for reporting to the MEMA Director. In the 5 counties of the Central MS ARES Group you may submit the applications to the Rankin County RACES Officer or Rankin County Emergency Coordinator for delvery to Rankin Co. Emergency Management. Mississippi RACES Application pdf format Mississippi RACES Application docx format
SHAred RESources (SHARES) High Frequency (HF) Radio Program Information on the Department of Homeland Security SHARES Radio Program. SHARES Radio Program Administered by DHS SHARES Documents SHARES FAQ BACK TO TOP OF PAGE
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